Anhad - The Band

Anhad - The Band
From L to R : Johnathan - Drums : Aviv - Lead Guitars : Ameya - Bass Guitar : Winit - Vocals and Guitar : Vijoy - Tabla and Percussion

The Anhad Logo

The Anhad Logo
Designed By SisirNath SangiReddy

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Anhad - The Meaning

A lot of you have asked us sometme or the other, where the name comes from ..

ANHAD or ANHAD BANI: Sound that is unending and knows no limits; fig. Audible Life-Current originating the Divine Will, endlessly carrying on the work of creating and sustaining the universe; interchangably used with An-hat meaning 'Unstruck,' as it is automatic and not instrumental.

Cheers !!

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